On the 18th May 2017 we have introduces to the Swiss market the TILLICA product in partnership with the vendor TECFID-ISELLA E FOLLETTI in his headquarter in D’Argine Street 6933 in Bedano (CH). During the event we explain to the partecipants all the technical features of application and we show how to use the innovative TILLICA product (lime putty and aerogel nanotechnology) .
TILLICA product is:
- noise absorbing, sound absorpion coefficient UNI EN ISO 10534-2
- reaction to fire performance A1 class free from harmful substance V.O.C. tested on steel panel and polyurethane panel where we apply TILLICA product
TILLICA protocol finished product is 5 mm thickness, instead the 10 cm thickness of all other thermal coat panels.(TILLICA protocol is composed by: antibacterical fixative, TILLICA paste, finishing little plaster). We apply TILLICA protocol on the internal walls of the refectory of Tecfid-Isella e Foletti company. We finish the internal walls in two different way: one with the “spatolato” effect and the other with traditional effect. Using TILLICA protocol, as a thermal coat for external and internal finishing for walls and roof, you can solve construction site problems and thanks to the easy way to apply with the spry gun it’s also very fast to apply, maintaining TILLICA warranty.
TILLICA product ia a bio product made with lime putty and aerogel nanotechnology patented and certified.
TILLICA is not a paint or similar, it’s not a thermal panel.