On the 21st of september in Ciossetto multifunctional centre in Sementina, cappottotermico.net in partnership with the vendor TecFid-isella&foletti has introduced the innovative bio product TILLICA lime putty and aerogel nanotechnology patented and certified to technical offices, architects and building restores. The day was organised in two different parts. During the first part the speakers (the owners of TecFid-isella&foletti, the owners and inventors of bio TILLICA product and the commercial manager) explained the particular and innovative features of bio TILLICA product with a specific analysis of the aerogel material, that is a result of the aerospace research made 95% of air with a low thermal conductivity. The combination of these two materials (aerogel nanotechnology and lime putty) creates a unique product, patented and certified: bio TILLICA that isolates with a very thin tickness and high thermal insulation (only 5 mm standard instead 10 cm of a traditional thermal panel). Bio TILLICA product has other specific features: it’s breathable, natural, non-toxic (V.O.C. free), fire-resistant class A1. After the illustration of our bio product all the partecipants, very curious about our product, ask for clarification. During the second part of the day there was a practical demonstration of the very easy application of bio TILLICA in a mechanically way with a spry gun certified on a different material: wood, polyethylene, steel. The other practical demonstration was about the bio Tillica fire-resistance (it’s fire-resistant class A1, free from V.O.C. , volatile organic compounds). We offer an exclusive avant-garde bio product that has high-level performance : minimum encumbrance, easy application, thermal insulation for energy saving and save money, safe for the house and for all kind of buildings, respect for men health and for the environment. At the end of the meeting there was a nice buffet with sparkling italian wine for everybody!