The early morning sun appears on Camoghè mountain and lights up Giubiasco valley. We are in Pianezzo, close to Bellinzona, Ticino canton, Switzerland. Our company and the Isella&Foletti company, who executes the application, are on the building site of a private house where we apply on the entire external surface of he house and part of the internal walls our bio Tillica aerogel nanotechnology and lime putty patented and certified to improve the energy of the building with our innovative 5 mm low thickness bio product.
Bio Tillica protocol is divided in three different steps of application: antibacterial fixative, bio Tillica paste, intonachino refinishnig (plaster refinishing).
Antibacterial fixative is a natural glue necessary to prepare, reinforce and improve walls surface (especially when it is powdery, demaged or debacked) before the application of bio Tillica paste.
Bio Tillica paste is thermal plaster 5 mm medium thickness, fire resistent class A1, noise-absorbing, natural, breathable, recyclable, free from V.O.C., no harmful emissions dangerous for human beings and the environment. Bio Tillica paste is applied mechanically with a spry gun certified that means the application is very easy and fast. Bio Tillica considerably reduces time of application spite of use a standard thermal panel: just in one working day workers finish the application of bio Tillica paste of the entire external surface of the building thanks to the spry gun certified.
Intonachino refinishing (plaster refinishing). There are different kind of Intonachino: white or colored Intonachino, Marmorino and more (these are different solution for external refinishing)
For the application of bio Tillica protocol no construction work was executed at the threshold of doors and windows.
During all the day we welcomed and entartained our guests: architets, maintenance offices, engineers that visited us in our building site to verify directly the very easy and fast application of bio Tillica and to ask information and explanation on our innovative bio product.