What is the green building? Green building is project and built buildings in according to requirements and rules that respect the environment sustainability reducing the negatives effects for the environment and human being. These requirements improve the quality and comfort of the living building and the quality life of human being reducing energy consumption and the pollution. Buildings designed and built in according with green building use sustainable energy, solar energy, solar panel, biomasses, geothermal and natural materials. Our product bio cappottotermico.net Tillica aerogel nanotechnology and lime putty patented and certified is a natural product made with lime putty (material that has ancient origin, natural and without addittives) and aerogel nanotechnology (aerogel is made of air 95%). It’s breathable. It’s non-toxic (V.O.C. free) because it’s free from harmful substances dangerous for human being and the environment. It’s recycable because it doesn’t create waste.
Cappottotermico.net Tillica is bio thermal plaster, it’s not a thermal panel, it’s not a paint
Bio cappottotermico.net Tillica aerogel nanotechnology and lime putty patented and certified is natural, breathable, non-toxic, recycable, sustainable and it’s a very high level product used in green building and environment sustainability.